Action required for disability recipients
Return ‘E&E’ statement to avoid interruption of benefits, health care
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Feb. 9, 2021 – OPERS disability recipients are required to report to us any employment during the previous year, as well as total earnings, employer information and job descriptions.
Thus, OPERS disability benefit recipients need to annually complete an Employment and Earnings Statement, which we’ve begun mailing this week. Even if you didn’t work in 2020, you must complete and submit the E&E statement. Only income from employment should be reported: spousal support, child support, and volunteer service are not required information.
However, if you applied for OPERS disability benefits on or after Jan. 7, 2013, you’re required to report any Social Security income.
If OPERS does not receive your completed statement by April 15, your May disability benefit payment and subsequent payments will be suspended until we receive the form. In addition, if you do not provide this form, your Health Reimbursement Arrangement monthly allowance and coverage for yourself or any dependents enrolled in OPERS health care coverage will be terminated as of May 1.
OPERS will waive the statement submission for disability recipients who meet one of the following criteria:
- Are under legal guardianship
- Reside in a skilled nursing facility
- Were age 70 or older as of Dec. 31, 2019
Beginning this year, you’re now able to access your Employment and Earnings Statement through your online account. If you misplace the initial statement we mail to you in February, you can log in to your OPERS online account and print a new form. Forms can’t be submitted electronically, but you can print, complete and mail the form to us.

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
I was expecting this form! But I turned 70 in December- now I know I will not need to return it. Since I was forced to retire on disability the ADA was passed. I hope current county and state employees with disabilities are receiving the reasonable accommodations not available to me when I retired.
You realize that you could have returned to work with reasonable accommodations after the law passed.
How do I get previous years 1099
The 1099-R’s can be printed from the online account Document History. If you need further assistance please forward your inquiry through our online message center, there we will be able to review your account specific information and respond to your question. Thanks MS
I received an email that I hadn’t returned the Employment and Earnings form – which I did not receive. I have been searching online for over an hour trying to find the form to print and can’t find it anywhere. Where is this form???
We’ve just begun mailing the letters this week. When you receive it, fill it out and return it to us by April 15. You also can print out one from your online account.
How long does someone have to send their paperwork back before they would have to reapply for disability.
Karen, A member applying for Disability has a maximum of 60 days to submit all required forms and documents. If the required documents are not received within 60 days, the members application will be voided, and the member will have to apply again with a new application.
Thank you,
How do I print out the disability earnings form?
You can print that out through your OPERS online account. You can return the form to us through the mail or through your online account.
how do i find out if my E&E Statement was received? I
You can call our Member Services department at 800-222-7377.