New website feature describes mailings
Members of the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System receive important items in the mail from us. We’ve recently introduced a page to our website that explains the reasons for some of this correspondence.
The “Got mail? Get answers” section of the OPERS website is an overview of our most common benefit-related mailings. It lets you know what you received, why you received it and what you need to do about it, if action is required.
For instance, in May we sent out information about national change of address letters that we mailed to some of our members. These letters tell members that we have received a notice from the U.S. Postal Service that the member’s address has changed. It reminds them that if they are at a new address to log into their OPERS account and update their contact info.
Also in May we mailed annual statement postcards to inactive members. These are members who have accounts with us but who no longer are working in OPERS-covered positions. The postcards inform these members of their retirement and refund options.
The items on “Got mail? Get answers” have helpful videos that explain the correspondence. We encourage all of our members to bookmark this page and check it out if they have questions about a mailing that they received.

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
To whom it may concern:
Would like to ask, why June 2015 beneficiary payment did NOT REACHED me.
Thank You! Respectfully, Antanas Motskus
p.s. this is the 2nd time,one time went to England,but i do live in Birstonas city, Lithuania
Please call us at 1-800-222-7377 if you are still not receiving your check.
–Ohio PERS
I have not received my 1095-B FORM. Have called several times and waited 0ver 20 minutes to speak to some one about this. It is now Feb.17, 2016 and Pers News said we should have received it by Feb.15.
Where is it? I need it to do my taxes.
You can access this and other tax forms through your OPERS online account.
–Ohio PERS