OPERS’ rules for poll workers
Election services by retirees OK under certain circumstances
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Oct. 3, 2024 – With this year’s general election upcoming next month, it’s a good time to review the impact that working at the polls might have on OPERS members’ retirement benefits and access to health care.
Individuals employed as election workers and paid less than $600 per calendar year for that service are not considered public employees, so retirees can earn up to that limit without any effect on their benefits and health care.
In 2022 Ohio law was amended to increase the annual earnings exclusion for election workers. An exception now exists for election workers to earn up to $1,000 during a year in which there is more than one primary election and one general election, such as 2022, when primaries were held in May and August. Refer to your local Board of Elections to determine the number of elections in your respective county for the calendar year.
Election workers earning more than the exclusion amount must contribute to the retirement system. An election worker, for the purposes of participation in OPERS, is “an individual who performs services as a precinct election official or voting location manager for the board of elections for a day the election polls are open and training or preparation for such service.”
If the combined amounts you are paid to work the polls on a given election day and the money you earn while training add up to $600 or more, you are considered a public employee from that point forward during the calendar year.
If an OPERS retiree works as an election worker and exceeds the threshold, the retiree may experience a change in eligibility for the OPERS health care program.
Retirees should carefully evaluate the financial and health care issues surrounding re-employment in an OPERS-covered position. We have a comprehensive section of our website that explains how re-employment works.
For questions about the specifics of your personal situation, contact us through your online account or at 1-800-222-7377.

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
So exactly how much will be withheld? Will this be withheld from my Election pay amount or my OPERS amount? Or is this just pertaining to health care programs? If I don’t receive health care through the Brd or OPERS will I be effected?
There is more information on the OPERS website. If you have specific questions about your personal situation, contact us at 800-222-7377.
I have called OPERS, Friday October 25 then on Monday October 28. Between those days at least 10 times, concerning the email from the Auditor ‘s office. Something is wrong with the system, I stayed on the line, I tried for a call back, when you push the selection, it tells you, your time has is over (paraphrasing). The point is I never got through. I called the BOE, more selections, but no answers. We Seniors who volunteer at the Polls around Election time, just want to VOLUNTEER . It should have been easier to get the information we need, especially when our benefits may be affected. Thank you. At this point I’m ready to cancel volunteering for Election day.
WEP is the federal punishment for being a public servant. Now the State of Ohio has found a way to punish us for trying to make serving Ohio voters.
I am a retiree and work at two elections in 2024. I was over the allowed amount and this has caused me to consider not working at the election polls again. The law appears unfair for retired election workers.