Tax documents on the way
OPERS to complete mailing forms 1099-R to retirees by end of January
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Jan. 25, 2024 – Tax season will soon be here. OPERS has begun mailing paper copies of 2023 Form 1099-Rs, used to report the distribution of retirement benefits.
We will complete mailing the 1099-Rs no later than Jan. 31. However, you can view and print the document now by signing in to your OPERS online account.
Your 1099-R will not provide vision and/or dental premium deductions for 2023. This information is available by logging in to your online account and accessing your 2023 OPERS Health Care Premium Receipt.
OPERS will generate a 2023 1095-B health care form for retirees, but we will not mail them. IRS guidance on the form’s distribution allows health plan sponsors to provide access to them through other means. These forms are reference documents that validate health plan coverage but do not have to be filed with your tax returns.
Log in to your OPERS online account to view and print the 1095-B. If you don’t have a printer, you can request a copy to be mailed by sending a secure message from your online account, calling 1-800-222-7377 or by writing to OPERS at 277 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio, 43215. All requests for copies will be fulfilled within 30 days of the request.
Basic information regarding filing your taxes as an OPERS benefit recipient is available within the 2023 Income Tax Guide for OPERS Benefit Recipients.
Changes in your February benefit amount
You may see a change in your pension benefit amount beginning with your February payment. This adjustment is because of federal tax table changes and their impact on the amount of federal tax OPERS withholds from your benefit.
If your benefit is impacted by the tax table changes, you will receive a Statement of Benefit Payment in the mail during the first two weeks of February. If you direct your attention to the line labeled “Minus Federal Income Tax” on the notice, you’ll see the difference between your January 2024 and February 2024 benefit amount. If you would like to know your February benefit amount now, it’s available to view by signing in to your OPERS online account.
OPERS cannot provide advice on your tax withholding. If you have questions, we suggest you see a tax adviser. You can change your tax withholding, or just see how changing your withholding will affect your monthly benefit, at any time through your online account.

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
I have not received my Statement of Employment and Earnings After Receipt of a Disability Benefit form. Could this be emailed to me at maverick53_1405@
Thanks in advance , Paul Delisle
Paul, The statement cannot be emailed. OPERS mailed the Employment and Earnings Statements out in batches starting on 2/7/2024 through 2/9/2024.
Why did I receive two 1099-r’s with different amounts from Opers this year?
The OPERS federal ID number printed on your 1099-R is 31-0797516 G, and it is correct. The “G” stands for government. If you are e-filing your return, the software will likely allow you to enter only the 9-digit number (310797516). If you receive an error that it does not match the IRS records, you can try to follow these steps.
1. If you received a 1099-R from OPERS and Ohio Public Employees Deferred Compensation or other entities, double check your information from all 1099-Rs and W-2s you entered. Note: Ohio Deferred Compensation did have an issue with its ID number and has a message on its website. Visit or call Ohio Deferred Compensation (877-644-6457) for information about the tax forms it issued.
2. Try resubmitting the form after you have verified everything.
3. If you are still receiving an error or rejection after resubmitting, you may want to seek the assistance of a tax professional, try a different software or file a paper return.