Tax forms now available
Retirees can use online account to access what they need
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Jan. 26, 2021 – Tax season is here, and tax forms are available online to OPERS benefit recipients who have registered their OPERS online accounts.
The two forms available online are Form 1099-R and Form 1095-B. Form 1099-R reports distribution of pension benefits. Form 1095-B verifies that retirees and dependents had minimum essential health insurance coverage in the previous year.
Here is more information about each of these forms:
2020 IRS 1099-R
- While this form is available in your online account now, OPERS will mail it by the end of January. Your 1099-R will not provide your health care deductions for 2020, but that information is available in your 2020 OPERS Health Care Premium Receipt through your online account.
- If you’re an OPERS disability benefit recipient, Box 7 on your 1099-R will have a code number 7 or 2, depending on your age. Your tax adviser may incorrectly indicate this code should be a 3. But remember that OPERS members are evaluated for disability from their OPERS-covered position, not as a person who is permanently disabled as defined by the IRS.
2020 IRS 1095-B
- Retirees no longer have to file this form with their tax returns. They are reference documents that validate health plan coverage. Consult the IRS or your tax adviser if you have additional tax questions.
- In past years the IRS has required these forms be mailed to each primary plan participant who met minimum essential coverage requirements. New guidance on their distribution allows health plan sponsors, such as OPERS, to provide access to them through other means. Thus, OPERS will not be mailing the forms this year.
- To view and print your 2020 Form 1095-B, please log in to your OPERS online account. If you don’t have a printer, you can request a copy to be mailed by sending a secure message from your online account, calling 1-800-222-7377 or by writing to OPERS at 277 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. All requests for copies will be fulfilled within 30 days of the request.

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
Was so relieved to see that I will be receiving a paper w-2. My printer doesn’t work right now and my computer guru has passed away so I have no one to help me with tax filing for the first time in over 23 years!! One less stressor for me.
Thank you for the info! It is greatly appreciated.
I would like to have a 1095-b mailed.
We can’t fulfill that request through the blog. As stated in the blog, there are three ways to request that a 1095-B form be mailed to you: Use your online account to send us a secure message, call us at 800-222-7377, or write us at OPERS, 277 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
I do not have a printer. Please mail tax returns
We can’t fulfill that request through the blog. As stated in the blog, there are three ways to request that the tax forms be mailed to you: Use your online account to send us a secure message, call us at 800-222-7377, or write us at OPERS, 277 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.
Will we still get a paper statement?
We’ll mail you the 1099-R, as stated in the blog. But we will not be mailing the 1095-B. The blog states how you can obtain a copy if you wish, however.
Why is our health insurance taxed
If you’re referring to the 1095B, that’s a health insurance tax form that reports the dependents covered by your insurance policy and the period of coverage for the prior year. It’s used to verify on your tax return that you and your dependents had the minimum essential health insurance coverage.
I use FreeTaxUSA to file my taxes. My 1099 does not match the IRS forms. Why????
Box 14 on the IRS 1099-R is State Distribution, since OPERS only withholds taxes for the State of Ohio this box is not necessary. Box 12 and 13 on the OPERS 1099-R shows the state tax withholding information. The IRS allows entities to modify the 1099-R so long as it has the information that they require. Thanks MS
I can’t find/ understand, as this is going to be my 1st year receiving retirement payments— do I have to pay Ohio State Income tax on my Pension payments? I know I have to pay Federal Income tax on my payments.
Yes, OPERS pension benefits also must be reported as taxable income to the state of Ohio. Here’s a link to our tax guide for additional information.
I worked for two agencies in the state over 15 years and retired at 62. (Obviously I had a late start. ) I see all kinds of seminars about insurance and pre-Medicare. However because I didn’t work for 20 years or until 66 (I believe those are the criteria), I do not qualify for insurance. I find it patently unfair that I get nothing at all for insurance but either the state was putting money in for me or I paid into health care. I’m not saying I should get full insurance but something based on my 15 years seems fair.
why am i getting two 1099’s instead of one? i am on disability retirement. one has distribution code 2 & the other is 7.
Recipients who turn 59 ½ during the tax year will receive two 1099s. One will represent distributions prior
to age 59 ½ and will have a distribution code of 2. One will represent distributions after 59 ½ and will have a distribution code of 7. Thanks, MS
Why did I get two 1099-R forms ? They are different amounts and different distribution codes(box 7).
Recipients who turn 59 ½ during the tax year will receive two 1099s. One will represent distributions prior
to age 59 ½ and will have a distribution code of 2. One will represent distributions after 59 ½ and will have a distribution code of 7. Thanks, MS
I received two different 1099-R’s for 2020. Not sure why. They have different amounts on them for gross distributions and federal and state taxes withheld, and one shows 7 for a distribution code and the other shows 2. In the past, I’ve always just received one. Can you explain why I received 2 this year?
Recipients who turn 59 ½ during the tax year will receive two 1099s. One will represent distributions prior
to age 59 ½ and will have a distribution code of 2. One will represent distributions after 59 ½ and will have a distribution code of 7. Thanks, MS
The 1099-R Form from Opers only has 13 boxes and box 12 and 13 do not match the ones from Turbotax. In Turbotax box 12 is for FATCA filing and there is no box 13. Turbotax also has box 14-16 for State information. How do I fill these boxes?
Box 14 on the IRS 1099-R is State Distribution, since OPERS only withholds taxes for the State of Ohio this box is not necessary. Box 12 and 13 on the OPERS 1099-R shows the state tax withholding information. The IRS allows entities to modify the 1099-R so long as it has the information that they require. Thanks M.S
Can you tell me what is included in Box 5 of the 1099-R please?
Box 5 on the 1099-R form represents the after-tax contributions that were recovered tax free in the 2020 year.
Thanks MS
Will I have to pay Federal taxes on the reimbursements (handled by VIA)
I receive for Medicare B, D & G? My first year dealing with this & I’m confused.
A Health Reimbursement Arrangement, or HRA, is an account funded by OPERS that provides tax-free reimbursement for qualified medical expenses. Thanks MS
I have not received my 1099R form for tax year 2020. Please advise How I can obtain another copy. Thank you
To view and print your 2020 Form 1099-R, please log in to your OPERS online account. If you don’t have a printer, you can request a copy to be mailed by sending a secure message from your online account, calling 1-800-222-7377 or by writing to OPERS at 277 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio 43215. Thanks MS
Trying to input taxes. Could not because 1099R form changed for 2020. Entries not in the correct numbered boxes. Told that you used 2019 form instead of 2020 form. Will corrected one be sent out
The IRS allows entities to modify the 1099-R so long as it has the information that they require. If you have questions about the 1099-R you received from OPERS please send your questions through the OPERS online account message center or contact our Members Services Center at 800-222-7377. Thanks MS
The Federal Withholding Certificate for Pension and Annuity Payments form (W4-P form) can be printed from the OPERS online account Tax Information panel or you can print or request the form be mailed from go to the Retired Members tab and select Forms and Documents from the drop-down menu. If you need further assistance please contact our Member Services Center through the online message center or call 800-222-7377. Thanks MS
I no longer want Ohio state tax taken out of my pension. I haven’t lived in Ohio in several years and still have to continue to file in Ohio and then wait for a refund. I see no forms to stop Ohio tax withholding. Please advise
There are two different ways you can make a tax update you can login to your OPERS online account go to the My Profile tab and select Tax Update form the drop-down menu then go to the Tax Information panel and select the Edit button or you can print Recipients Withholding Certificate for Ohio Personal Income Tax (IT-4P form) from our website under the Retired Members tab select Forms and Documents from the drop-down menu. If you decide to complete the paper form it can be returned by mail to the address on the top of the form. If you need further assistance please forward your questions through the online message center or contact our Member Services Center at 800-222-7377. Thanks MS
I’ve been looking on the OPERS site (as recommended by the e-mail message they sent me), but can’t find a link to the 1095-B form (that isn’t being ‘snail’-mailed this year). Will I have to call the toll-free number to request one be snail-mailed?? (I have this morning sent a message through the OPERS messaging system.)
You don’t have to call us to request a 1095-B form. You can print it yourself through your online account.
What is the answer to Box 16 – State distribution? I do not have that box.
OPERS cannot give tax advice. Please contact a tax professional for that information.