We don’t really have a ‘call center’

Top goal of OPERS Member Services is quality service

By Donna Castiglione, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System

Feb. 14, 2018 – We do have an 800 number (800-222-7377) and we do have employees whose job it is to answer those calls, but that is about all we have in common with a typical call center.  When you picture the typical “call center” you might imagine a warehouse-type facility with hundreds of employees packed tightly together, quickly reciting canned answers from a script.

This vision is the very reason we really shy away from referring to ourselves as a call center at the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System.  Our employees are here for one reason, to assist you by accurately answering your questions and providing you with all the information you need to make decisions.

I like to term what we do “pure customer service.” We have no hidden agenda to sell you anything or just get you off the phone by giving you a quick answer. We actually don’t measure our employees on the number of calls they take or how long they are on the phone with you. Instead, we evaluate them on the quality of service they provide. We encourage them to take the time to answer all your questions so you don’t need to contact us for the same questions more than once.

We spend a great deal of time educating and training all of the employees in Member Services so that no matter where you ask us a question, whether it’s over the phone, at a seminar, in our office or through your online account, you get the same answer. We monitor our employees’ calls and provide them feedback so we are continually improving.

We might not get it right every time, but we never give up on that goal.

Donna Castiglione

Donna Castiglione is the assistant director of Member Services and has been with the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System for more than 13 years. She has extensive experience in customer service management in a variety of industries.

Donna Castiglione

Assistant Director of Member Services

10 thoughts on “We don’t really have a ‘call center’

  • February 14, 2018 at 10:51 am

    I agree wholeheartedly! Every time I have called OPERS with a question, your representative has shown expertise, professionalism, and politeness. In fact, yours is the only 800-number that I don’t resent having to call because I know that I won’t be put on hold forever and I know that my question/concern will be addressed. My retired friends here in Pennsylvania are green with envy!

  • February 14, 2018 at 12:30 pm

    What a great looking group of people. Really appreciate the courteous and help when we call
    for any assistance. I guess we’re in good hands when we have you.

  • February 21, 2018 at 3:37 pm

    I have always been very satisfied when I’ve called with questions. Thank you!

  • January 30, 2020 at 9:20 am

    I have tried to contact the “call center” three times and after trying to select the option of a call back I am cut off. Your system needs an upgrade for better service and not enrage the people trying to contact you.

    • January 31, 2020 at 5:11 pm

      As you can imagine, the phone lines are very busy right now. Try calling first thing in the morning — the calls are lighter at that time.

  • October 23, 2021 at 12:35 pm

    I don’t know where you guys are calling, but I waited 30 minutes holding for someone and no one ever answered, and all I have is one simple question. I have emailed to no avail, no one has replied in a week. Who are you guys contacting?

    • October 28, 2021 at 12:46 pm

      Our hold time is extended due to a high call volume. We offer a virtual hold option, so you can receive a call back once it is your turn to speak to a representative. Our call volume is lower in the mornings, so it is best to try and call in the morning. If you have an online account, you can send your questions through the online message center. Please contact our Member Service Center at 800-222-7377 for further assistance.

  • February 1, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    I have been trying to get hold of this office for over a week. No one will answer the phone, it says that they have a higher than normal call volume then hangs up on me. The email appears to be run by an automated service. Please provide an effective way in which members can get hold of a representative.

    • February 14, 2024 at 8:05 am


      It’s best to call as soon as possible after we open, which is 8 a.m. It’s sometimes easier to reach us midweek rather than on Mondays.

  • February 11, 2025 at 2:37 pm

    This problem still seems to exist. My wife and I are both OPERS members. She’s trying to set up an on-line account, but none of the correspondence we get from OPERS appears to have her required 11-digit member number on it. We have a 6-digit member number for her from a 2015 OPERS letter, but that doesn’t work. We can’t get through to talk to a real person, and there doesn’t seem to be an email option anymore. Very frustrating!


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