Getting ready for 2024
OPERS offers payment schedule, tips for retirees
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Dec. 28, 2023 – As head toward a new year, it’s a good time for OPERS retirees to review their accounts.
Our “Get Ready for 2024” website page offers helpful information about several important considerations to be aware of at the first of next year.
Changes in your pension benefit
Any time there’s a change in your monthly benefit amount, we’ll send you a Statement of Benefit Payment.
If you’re enrolled in the OPERS Vision or Dental Plan, you may receive a statement in January showing a change in your benefit amount because of coverage changes or changes in premium amounts. Statements of Benefit Payment also will be viewable through your OPERS online account near the end of the month prior to the change taking effect.
Most retirees review their tax withholdings once they file taxes for the previous year. The best way to do so is through your online account, which allows you to see the impact that a change would make to your net monthly benefit amount.
Please consult the IRS or your tax adviser if you have additional tax questions.
2023 IRS documents
OPERS will mail the 2023 IRS Form 1099-R by the end of January. Approximately a week prior to mailing, this document will be available to view and print from your online account. OPERS will send an email notification when it can be viewed.
Your Form 1099-R will not provide your vision and dental premium deductions for 2023. If needed, this information is available by signing in to your OPERS online account and accessing your 2023 OPERS Health Care Premium Receipt.
The IRS Form 1095-B provides evidence of health care minimum essential coverage, but it does not have to be filed with tax returns as it is a reference document that confirms health plan coverage. Nevertheless, OPERS creates a Form 1095-B for each primary plan participant who met minimum essential coverage requirements in 2023. OPERS will provide access to this form, but we will not provide a paper copy by mail unless specifically requested.
OPERS benefit recipients who participated in the Health Reimbursement Arrangement and/or Retiree Medical Account plans in 2023 will be able to access their Form 1095-B through their online account in late January. Simply log in to your account, access your documents, select “Form 1095-B” and print for your records. You can request a copy of the form through the messaging center within your online account or by calling OPERS at 800-222-7377.
There is more tax-specific information on our website.
Benefit payment schedule
Here’s a schedule of pension benefit payments for 2024:
Month | Benefit payment date |
January | January 2 |
February | February 1 |
March | March 1 |
April | April 1 |
May | May 1 |
June | May 31 |
July | July 1 |
August | August 1 |
September | August 30 |
October | October 1 |
November | November 1 |
December | November 29 |

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
Thank you for all you do!
For consecutive years I have attempted to log on to the OPERS website. Each year problems with navigating the system happens. Each year my password does not work and a new one is made. It is very frustrating for older persons. The system should work toward a more user friendly system for older people. My husband is very computer savvy and he has problems!
The situation you describe is not common. Please call 800-222-7377 and someone will help you.