Member life insurance deadline approaches
Enrollment ends in one week for Colonial Life’s term- and whole-life policies
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Sept. 16, 2024 – OPERS members have just one week to apply for term- and whole-life policies this year through Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co.
It’s the seventh-consecutive year that the insurer is offering the policies to active members, their spouses and children, and the coverage may be extended to grandchildren. The voluntary insurance would be in addition to life insurance that members’ employers might offer, and OPERS members would bear the cost.
The policies will be guaranteed issue, within certain limits, and this year’s open enrollment period ends Sept. 23.
OPERS members can enroll in a policy only through a session with a Colonial Life licensed benefits counselor – either through a virtual meeting or over the phone. The virtual enrollment option allows members the flexibility of connecting with their benefit counselor via conference call, video chat or screen-share, with one click of a link.
There is a link to enroll in this Colonial Life digital postcard. You also can listen to a recorded webinar that provides additional details on the 2024 open enrollment period and the voluntary benefits that are available.

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
I was a member of OPERS when I was employed at my university for on-campus jobs. I would like to check on my past account (and learn how to now combine it with my STRS and SERS accounts), but I can no longer find any documents with my OPERS account number on it. How do I go about accessing my account? Can they help me if I call them?
Contact us at 800-222-7377, and our Member Services department will help you.