OPERS offers financial wellness resources

National Retirement Security Week a good time to plan for the future

By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System

Oct. 12, 2023 – Next week is National Retirement Security Week, the perfect time for OPERS members to take advantage of the educational opportunities and tools we offer to attain financial stability for retirement.

OPERS urges all members to prioritize their financial well-being, and we provide an expansive section on our website dedicated to assisting members in their planning efforts. It encompasses a wealth of valuable information, including webinars and recorded presentations.

Visit the Member Education Center at opers.org to enroll in a seminar or webinar.

We offer webinars on personal budgeting, guiding you in understanding your expenses and working toward your short- and long-term financial objectives. Additionally, there’s a link to a recorded presentation for insights on budgeting.

Attend our webinar “Bridging the Gap to Retirement” and use the Gap Calculator, along with links to Social Security benefit calculators. We also provide a webinar titled, “Health Care: The Hidden Cost in Retirement” to help you better prepare for retirement.

OPERS provides dedicated assistance for retirement eligibility and process questions. Schedule a personalized counseling session with a knowledgeable counselor through your online account.

We also encourage members to use the many helpful options provided by Ohio Deferred Compensation, a supplemental 457(b) plan available to all Ohio public employees. This plan enables you to allocate a portion of your earnings for savings before taxes to be invested for retirement. There are several investment options to choose from. Deferred Compensation also offers post-tax plans, including a Roth 457(b) option.

Deferred Compensation offers videos and webinars on a range of retirement planning topics, including how to get ready for retirement, protecting your account against risks in retirement, and how to master the concept of asset allocation.

Michael Pramik

Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.

Michael Pramik

Communication Strategist

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