Thankful for public pensions
Retirement security for our members and retirees is always OPERS’ goal
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Nov. 21, 2018 – As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we’re reminded of a blog post the National Public Pension Coalition made last year about retirement security.
It’s a reminder that “public employees work hard serving their communities and contribute to their pensions with every paycheck.” You can read it here, as well as view a testimonial from a grateful retiree.
As a reminder to our members and retirees, OPERS will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving. The OPERS lobby and phone lines will close at 2:30 p.m. today.
We’ll post our hours for Christmas and New Year’s Day as those holidays approach. In the meantime, OPERS wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving.

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
I am very thankful for my Pension and Health Care benefits. Thanks to all of you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time off with all your family.
Thanks, Carol — and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Julie, OPERS
Absolutely thankful for my pension and the way PERS has operated to insure that it continues. I don’t always agree with all the decisions, but the body of work as a whole is certainly reason to be thankful for. Keep up the good work and happy Thanksgiving to all.
Thanks Greg!
I am thankful for my pension & health care. thanks to all of our Opers family. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all.
Thank you Hazel!
Because I get a public pension I get a 30% deduction in my Social Security monthly benefit . So someone needs to tell me what is so great about my PERS pension ?
We continue to advocate for the repeal or reform of GPO and WEP in Congress. We posted a blog this week that included information on the WEP issue,
Julie, OPERS
I am so thankful for my pension that I do not want to see any reduction in benefits.
When can we expect to see the COLA adjustment reflect in our paycheck? January or February?
Retirees receive their COLA on the anniversary of their retirement date. If you received your COLA on Jan. 1 in the past, you will receive it on Jan. 1 in 2019. Otherwise, look for it later in the year.
Julie, OPERS