Benefit schedule set for 2020
Payments usually made on the first business day of each month
By Donna Castiglione, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Jan. 2, 2020 – If you’re an OPERS retiree, you receive a pension each month. Here’s when our retirees can expect to receive their pensions this year.
OPERS typically issues pension benefit payments on the first business day of the month. If that day falls on a weekend or holiday, we’ll issue the payment on the last business day of the previous month. The exception to this rule is in January when, for tax purposes, the payment must be issued on the first business day of the month.
Please make note of the payment dates for 2020 in the list below. You also can call OPERS at the end of any month and listen to the automated “Fast Facts” message for these important dates. Simply press 2 for “Fast Facts.”
Monthly benefit | Payment date |
January | Jan. 2 (Thursday) |
February | Jan. 31 (Friday) |
March | Feb. 28 (Friday) |
April | April 1 (Wednesday) |
May | May 1 (Friday) |
June | June 1 (Monday) |
July | July 1 (Wednesday) |
August | July 31 (Friday) |
September | Sept. 1 (Tuesday) |
October | Oct. 1 (Thursday) |
November | Oct. 30 (Friday) |
December | Dec. 1 (Tuesday) |

Donna Castiglione
Donna Castiglione is the assistant director of Member Services and has been with the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System for more than 13 years. She has extensive experience in customer service management in a variety of industries.
what is the last date you can retire in 2020 and still get a COLA increase in 2021?
Under the current proposal, if you retire by Nov. 30, 2020, you’ll have an effective retirement date of Dec. 1, 2020 and will receive a cost-of-living adjustment on Dec. 1, 2021. But again, it’s still a proposal at this point. We encourage everyone considering retirement to schedule an appointment with our staff to review your options. You can call us at 1-800-222-7377 or schedule an appointment through your online account.
Previous comment on a windfall from SS for us retirees, where, when or what can we expect as its a NEW year & have not seen a penny?
Please comment.
OPERS has been active on this issue for many years, and we continue to work for reform of the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Offset Provision (GPO). You can read our most recent blog on the topic at
i did not get cola. if retiree retired before 2013 they would get a three percent increase ???
thanks for any information
You should receive your cost-of-living adjustment on your anniversary date. For more information on the 2020 COLA amounts, read our blog on that topic at
Trying to find the allowance table percentage chart on your website . Not able to find it on your site. Please let me know or send me the chart.
Thanking you in advance.
You can find the allowance table on the health care page of the OPERS website — scroll down the page to find the table.
Julie, OPERS
Do you have more information on the news article in the Columbus Dispatch yesterday stating that state pensions are being frozen?
And, that healthcare coverage could be eliminated?
The OPERS Board passed health care changes that will go into effect beginning Jan. 1, 2022. We will have more information in the next OPERS blog that will be available this week.
In the meantime, the changes were outlined in a blog we published in August that you may find helpful, The cost-of-living proposal must be passed by the Ohio General Assembly and is pending in the state legislature.
To ensure you are receiving the monthly Board Report, your member newsletter and other OPERS communications, please check your online account to make sure we have your correct email and mailing address. You can access your online account through
Julie, OPERS
Does the 9-2 ruling effect the money given ea month to for VIA benefits ?
Does 9-2 ruling effect amount added to pension to pay for Medicare penalty charged , because of the Humana advantage health coverage that originally given to retirees ?
Please advise with details..
The OPERS Board passed health care changes that will go into effect beginning Jan. 1, 2022. You will continue to use the OPERS Medicare Connector to choose your health care coverage with the assistance of Via Benefits. You will continue to receive a monthly allowance in your Health Reimbursement Arrangement, or HRA, but your allowance amount will change beginning in 2022. We will have more information in the coming weeks.
Trying to enroll for the upcoming seminar on February 4 @2pm in Bellivelle for 2 people
You can register for OPERS seminars through your online account – once logged in click on “Tools and Resources” and then on “Seminars and Counseling” to select a seminar. Or you can register by calling us at 1-800-222-7377.
When will W2 go out
You can access your 2019 tax documents now within your online account. Mailed documents will be issued by Jan. 31.
Julie, OPERS
I will have 30 yrs of service time in on June 1, 2020, and i will be 60 year old in April 2. and i would like to retire, so what paper work do i have to have to bring with me before a make appointment?
Congratulations on your impending retirement! For OPERS members getting ready to retire, we have a section on our website to help you prepare, including the list of documents you need. For more information, go to
Julie, OPERS
I was just made aware after contacting OPERS Medical Mutual on a similar matter, that we no longer have Preventive annual Mammograms screenings included in our health care benefits. Med Mutual advised they will only pay for screenings Mammograms every other year… is this actually correct? If so, what is the rationale behind this decision? Early detection saves lives, decreases pain, suffering and cost. Thank you in advance for any explanation.
OPERS follows the guidelines set by the American Cancer Society and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force which recommend mammograms every other year for women over age 55.
Julie, OPERS
Dear Julie….I will to thank you and the many very kind, patient, helpful, knowledgeable staff at OPERS….everyone has been great assisting us retirees.
I am certainly pleased to be able to enjoy the benefits that OPERS and VIA work hard to provide.
Adam David Brandt
Thank you, Adam, I’m glad we could help! Please let us know if you have any questions.
Julie, OPERS
Just got an unpleasant surprise from Medical Mutual. Suddenly mammogram is now only allowed every two years. No notice that I can find in my plan benefit information anywhere. My medical provider was unaware as well. Obviously, would not have had the test if we had been informed. Very upsetting that this lifesaving test is no longer covered as annual preventative care.
OPERS follows the guidelines set by the American Cancer Society and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force which recommend mammograms every other year for women over age 55.
Julie, OPERS
I, too, just got this unpleasant surprise, and Julie, you are missing the point. As Ms. McKinney says, there was no notice that this very basic, universal, and necessary test was no longer being covered on an annual basis. I have been covered by OPERS’ Medical Mutual plan ever since retiring 10 years ago, and to my best recollection, mammograms were covered every year. To change that coverage with absolutely no warning to members is unacceptable. There should have been targeted advance notice to insureds and at a minimum, the reduction should be explicitly stated in the Open Enrollment Guide and Medical Plan Description. In fact, the Open Enrollment Guide (p. 2) under “Preventive services,” has a separate column with “Annual PAP, Mammography” being covered. Are insureds really expected to parse out that annual PAPs are covered but annual mammograms are not? This is ambiguous at best—especially considering that annual mammograms have long been covered and now are not!!
I realize that the PERS/MM documents say that preventive services may be subject to frequency limitations, refer to the CDC and USPSTF websites, and advise calling Customer Care. Do you honestly think that is even minimally adequate? It’s certainly not efficient. Why have thousands of women calling when the limitation could be included in the written plan documents? In any event, it simply never occurred to me that annual mammograms would not be covered and that I should call.
I am retired with 30 years credit. I do not use OPERS healthcare coverage (use VA). Will that impact my monthly check in anyway? Seems if I don’t use it and save system money I should get some sort of allowance to use on non-VA medical bills
Please forward you questions through the online message or contact us at 800-222-7377.
I too received the unpleasant surprise that my mammogram received on 8/24/2020 will not be covered by OPERS’ Medical Mutual Plan because I received one in 2019. I TOTALLY agree with the comments made by Debra McKinney and Melissa Warheit on this subject. I have been covered by OPERS’ medical plan ever since retiring 13 years ago with full coverage on my ANNUAL mammograms. Had I known that my mammogram was not going to be covered, I would have waited until 10/1/2020 when I became Medicare eligible with mammogram screenings covered once every 12 months for those age 40 or older. I have filed an appeal with Medical Mutual on their denial of payment.
In 2019 OPERS changed the period of covering preventative mammograms to once every two years, in response to guidelines set by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. But understanding how important this screening is to our retirees and their dependents, and to minimize financial strain, we’ve adjusted the baseline year of this change to 2020.
That means if you received an in-network preventive mammogram in 2020 that was denied due to frequency limitations, your claim will be reprocessed and fully covered for the 2020 plan year.
The two-year rule remains in place, so if you receive a covered, preventative mammogram in 2020, you will not be eligible for another covered test in 2021.
This is wonderful news! Already went through the appeals process and was denied. Is there anything members have to do to ensure our claim is reprocessed? Thank you.
No, you don’t. Medical Mutual will be reprocessing preventive mammogram claims, issuing a new Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and sending your provider a notification that the claim is now a covered claim. The provider will be receiving payment from Medical Mutual and will initiate any refund due to you. It will take Medical Mutual approximately 2-3 weeks to reprocess all preventive mammogram claims.
After Medical Mutual has reprocessed the claim, if you have already paid your provider, they will issue you a refund. The timing of any refund will vary by provider.
Thank you so much.
My mother did not receive her retirement amount in 2020. She retired over 15 years ago and suddenly she can’t get her retirement amount. Can you explain why ??
Call our Member Services department, or have your mother call, and we’ll look into it: 1-800-222-7377.