Rely on OPERS for accurate information
We’re committed to transparency with our members and retirees
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
October 31, 2024 – In recent months, you may have seen or read reports that OPERS is considering merging with various other Ohio retirement systems. Please understand that your source for information regarding your retirement system and any plans affecting the system is OPERS.
We are committed to transparency with our members and retirees. If you see a report that OPERS is part of a merger and we haven’t reported on the issue within a newsletter, Board report or email, it’s not likely to be something that we are even considering.
We are not currently entertaining any potential mergers with any other Ohio retirement systems. The comments made recently about OPERS merging with other systems were merely suggestions made by individuals or groups aiming to strengthen the other systems. The OPERS Board has always made clear its belief that if there ever were a merger, OPERS would be the successor system. The Board has always made clear its expectation that we would not assume another system’s unfunded liabilities.
We’ve worked hard to improve our funding and plan design for future generations, and we will continue to protect the system from risks that could come with a merger. Therefore, we would not support any merger situations unless there is a plan that provides funding for all unfunded liabilities.
Mergers are an ongoing topic we monitor closely. If there comes a time when we are considering merging with another system(s), you will hear the news from us. In the meantime, know that we will not support any mergers with other retirement systems without a detailed plan for addressing any unfunded liabilities.

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.