Via Benefits reaching out to retirees
Here’s what to expect during calls addressing health care coverage
By Michael Pramik, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System
Nov. 7, 2024 – It’s open enrollment season, and OPERS wants to make sure eligible retirees get all the help they need when applying for health care coverage in 2025.
In consultation with OPERS, Via Benefits, our health care vendor, has developed an outreach campaign to get in touch with retirees to alert them to information they need to make the right health care choices. The campaign is multifaceted and will be conducted via letters, email and, in some cases, direct calls from Via Benefits.
We understand that many of our members are concerned about fraud during the open enrollment period, especially over the phone. When a representative from Via Benefits calls an OPERS member, the representative will:
- Identify themselves as calling from Via Benefits Insurance Services
- State that the call is being recorded
- Ask for the benefit recipient by his or her full name or have the benefit recipient state the full name for verification. It isn’t sufficient to only state the benefit recipient’s last name.
- Verify two of the following three pieces of information:
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- ZIP code
The outreach calls specific to this open enrollment period will explain that OPERS members eligible for Medicare must enroll in individual Medicare medical coverage through Via Benefits to qualify for an OPERS HRA contribution. The Via Benefits representative also will be available to help retirees evaluate their coverage options.
Outside of the open enrollment season, subsequent direct calls will be made to gauge whether members would like to shop for other options in light of their Medigap premium increase. Via Benefits also will reach out to members as they near retirement or age into Medicare.
If you are suspicious about the authenticity of a caller purporting to be from Via Benefits, hang up and call Via Benefits at 1-833-939-1215 (for Pre-Medicare benefit recipients) or 1-844-287-9945 (for Medicare benefit recipients).

Michael Pramik
Michael Pramik is communication strategist for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and editor of the PERSpective blog. As an experienced business journalist, he clarifies complex pension policies and helps members make smart choices to secure their retirement.
I called Via Benefits and was put on hold. I was told it would be 31 minutes. Several hours later I was disconnected. Next time I requested a call back. I called in the morning. About 5:30 in the afternoon my phone rings. I was not able to answer. The voice mail asked me to call the next day. I gave up and have elected to continue my current coverage. Not good service.
I would keep away from Via Benefits. I am trapped with them through my employer. They are the worst in communication.
They don’t answer the phone and you can’t get online either unless you speak to them over the phone, but they don’t answer the phone. I’ve had years of issues with them, some minor and some major.
VIA benefits is a joke. I called today to discuss my Medicare part D options I was told the wait would be 2 hours so I requested a call back. They called back in about an hour which was fine but then I was told I had to talk with another person to discuss the part D policies which I was fine with but then was told I had to be put on hold and the wait would be between 2 hours to 2 1/2 hours. I requested a call back but was told that wasn’t an option I had to wait on the phone then requested to set up an appointment for them to call me to discuss the policies and was told no appointments were available. This is totally uncalled for! This system is not elderly friendly at all! OPERS you are failing your members. Patrick Flynn
I called via benefits. Waited for 3 hours and 40 minutes. Agent gave conflicting information about the same question. I was so exasperated trying to get service that I finally gave up. I would rather take my chances on the open market. OPERS should implement a system to provide the HRA reimbursement without being held hostage by a group like via benefits.
Have been shopping on Via Benefits for a couple days now and have some questions. I tried calling, and they said next available agent would be 89 minutes. Agent called back and said that he would have to connect me to a benefits advisor and could I please hold. He switched me, and they told me I would have a wait time of 249 minutes. The message said due to high volume, they could offer no callbacks. Also, there are no appointments available for scheduling a call to or from them. I have called you (OPERS) to voice my concern but I currently have been on hold for about 15-20 minutes. What now?
Open enrollment for retirees is now in full swing, and the call volume may be higher than normal. We do apologize for any inconvenience and frustration this may cause. Via Benefits recommends calling between 1:00pm-7:00pm Wednesday through Friday as their call volume may be lower. Thank you, OPERS
Last year I tried to compare the Humana plans thru OPERS to the plan from a former private employer. I’m still waiting for VIA to respond and now its open enrollment for 2025.
Why are insurance companies to pick are listed one day to choose and disappear a few days later. I had three plans I was comparing, and days later, they were not listed anymore. It is close to December 7th, my plan is no longer available with Via Benefits, and I am scared some more will disappear. I just picked something so I would have insurance.
Please contact Via Benefits for further assistance with your questions pertaining to health insurance and insurance companies. Thank you, OPERS
I called VIA gave information to rep and than was told I would be connected to an advisor. So spending 20 minutes going over our health insurance than being put on hold for an advisor. So when the hold came I was sent back to the same number I originally called, hold time 93 minutes, put myself on call back list, this is the next day and still waiting time for OPERS to get a new company. Terrible
Ive tried calling two days in a row (at least the previous callers called in November). I have Medicare thru via benefits but have questions about changing. Was on hold for 4 hours. When someone picked up she said “oh you need a licensed representative” and transferred me. On hold for hours and gave up @ 7:00 pm. Tried again today and on hold for HOURS. They’re not going to pick up which means I’m on my own. ACCEPTABLE SERVICE. My retirement is thru the State and it’s a requirement to use them if I want to be reimbursed for my Medicare medical premium.
Called Via Benefits after picking new dental Insurance and putting in my cart during open enrollment period; After getting all signed up I asked the OPERS Via Benefits rep when I could cancel OPERS dental and she said I should wait until the end of the next week to get confirmation from new insurance company and I asked if that would be Ok since open enrollment would be over and she said since already signed up that is proof of intent to get new dental coverage so I could cancel anytime in December now OPERS is not letting me cancel old insurance so now I have two dental insurances one of which is no longer in network with my provider. This is not fair since I was given misleading information. Please help!!
The OPERS Open Enrollment statement provides information about making changes to the OPERS vision and dental coverage for the upcoming year. The statement was mailed in early 10/2024 and a copy is available through your OPERS online account in the Document History located under the Documents tab. Changes to the OPERS vision and dental coverage can only be made during open enrollment which is from 10/15-12/15 each year and the changes are effective 1/1 of the upcoming year. Please contact OPERS at 1-800-222-7377 if you have already spoken to a Via Benefits supervisor and your issue was not resolved.